Black Moustache

Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

Miss you girls so freakin bad!!!!!!

I just found some pictures in Yuli Amalia Putuhena's photo album on her facebook account. The tittle is "April 29, 2011".
Well, I remember what we did in that day, girls. We were goin' crazy and absurd. That day was our day. We went everywhere and spend our all day long together. We took some pictures in a upay pose like we're such a bullying victim. Okayyyyyyyyyy here they are!!!!

Just like what I said...macam muka-muka habis di-bully:))))) -_-


Cutexxxx meeeeeh =))

Anyway, what is it mean? All of the photos, the stuffs, and the absurd thing we did? We just doing fun for don't know what actually the reason is. Stupid. Silly. What a fool. But, we were having fun. And it made me for getting adore all of them :') Lotsa love for ya girls. MISS YOUUUUUU! ({})

1 komentar:

  1. i've so many stories to tell to you and the girls. when i remember you and the girls i just can't pretending if i miss you guys.... and i can't hide my tears
