Black Moustache

Rabu, 16 Januari 2013

Late Happy Birthday Posting

Thursday, 10th January 2013. One of my best friend in senior high school, @ayashofiaa turned into 16. Huahahahaha tua =)) I have no idea to say. I can't create words that are perfectly beautiful, hahaha.

First at all, I stay awake in 9th January till it reached 00.00 on 10th January. But what the huh my pulse was only Rp 3-_- Otomatis nggak bisa send sms lah yaw. Finally I decided to message her by my modem, and it didn't deliver-____- Nggak direstui banget kayaknya nih =))

I said a directing happy birthday to her in the morning and by twitter in the evening. Yaudah sih soalnya smsku nggak masuk._.

Well, happy 16th birthday AYA SHOFIA! Semoga di umur ke-16 ini mukamu bisa membaik dan nggak jelek gini ya.
(Ini fotonya yang ngedit aku lho. Bakat alay ya aku?:3)

Ps: Sorry for the little bit late posting, but it's not too late isn't it, Aya Shofia? :B

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