Black Moustache

Senin, 13 September 2010

some night-diamonds

I got this picture on my way to home from Klaten .
Finally I could take a pict like this . What call is it huh ? I don't know it name. But I call it cahaya-bulet-bulet . Nothi
ngs wrong, rite ? :P


Pulang dari Klaten masih sore-sore gitu . Niatnya pingin foto-foto di mobil tapi aku malah ketiduran . Pas aku bangun ternyata udah malem . Haha daripada rugi mbawa kamera tapi nggak bawa pulang hasil foto satu pun, yaudah akhirnya aku main-main kamera sama cahaya cahaya di sepanjang jalan .

I'm a lil bit proud of it although it's not really really very good so much --"

But I think it's not too bad for a beginner like me ehehe :P

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